Data, Science and Data Science
Besides my scientific projects I am also involved in the preparation and presentation of tutorials showcasing how to best find, discover and access publicly available data. I furthermore give input about how I as an astronomer think archives of radio astronomy data and future science platforms should look like.
Virtual Observatory schools
As the Asterics post-doc my main task was to co-organise the fourth Asterics VO school (one of the deliverables of this Horizon 2020 project) together with my colleague Ada Nebot. Even after the Asterics project has finished in May 2019, I continue to work on tutorials that showcase the CDS services and the VO in general. Our current focus lies on Python based tutorials as more and more astronomers rely on Python for their research. You may find these tutorials here. More VO tutorials that use other software packages than Python can be found on the EURO-VO page. We are now in the process of organising the first ESCAPE "Science with interoperable data" school.
Radio Data Archives
So far the radio astronomy community does not rely as strongly as other communities on the Virtual Observatory and its protocols. The VO protocols help to unify finding and accessing data across different archives. I am currently involved in many discussions on how VO standards and protocols may best be implemented for radio data archives and how I as an active astronomer would like these services to be. Some of the results have been presented at ADASS XXX by Mireille Louys and we organised a BoF session the same ADASS to open a floor for the community to discuss the latest advancements. I have furthermore joined the recently formed Radio Astronomy Interest Group in the IVOA.