Virtual Observatory Tutorials
Updating and further developing the
EURO-VOtutorials using both
the classical VO-aware tools such as Aladin and Topcat and
Python in Jupyter notebooks.
Tutoring at the
4th Asterics DADI VO school and at the
"Science with interoperable data school" (planned for Feb 2021, register now!).
This involves presenting
tutorials, supporting students with their usecases and collecting
feedback from the students regarding the tools and services.
Supervision of students
supervision of webdesign student to update the
EURO-VO webpage
(technical implementation ongoing)
co-supervision of the Master Student: final year project to investigate the
diffuse cold dust emission in SMC and LMC
co-supervision of Bachelor Student: internship to create a sample of
galaxies, which have suitable data to study their cold dust emission
co-supervision of School Students interested in becoming astronomers
Tour guide for Swinburne's
3D AstroTours.
Involvement in Open Days and a Girl's Day at the
Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial Physics.
Have a look at the picture to the left and yes,
this Schokokuss (small chocolate-covered cream cake)
is still delicious after it travelled to space
(i.e. exploded in the vacuum tub).